When I log into PrestaShop v. Back Office, under the Employees tab, Permissions option did not work.
Back Office > Employees > Profiles
Add new
I create a new profile called Sales; creation successful.
Back Office > Employees > Permissions
I select ‘Sales’ from the drop down menu.
As I select the check boxes that I want Permissions added to the Sales profile I created, I notice in green text on the top border stating ‘Profile updated’; no save button. However, when I leave the page and return, the Permissions that I selected are no longer there and the page displays empty check boxes. During my initial attempt, the profile never saved.. However, since I’ve cleared 23+GB from the server, enabled the Bank Wire module, and added pdo & pdo_mysql php extensions and now the Permissions are allowing me to save to the selected profile.
Perhaps it was installing the PDO (acronym for PHP Data Objects) extensions that resolved my ability to save profiles?
I’m not sure how it started to all of a sudden work..
I’m just glad it’s working 🙂
PHP pdo_mysql: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php